Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We always bother about light..may be because it shows us the way..but have we so far tried to measure darkness?? I see light..I can even measure it..photodiodes, spectrometers and all that..but darkness?? How will it sound like “This bulb emits 40 Watt of Darkness”!! Strange thing about darkness is that..it seems to hide ..in corners, behind objects below furniture.. The only piece of darkness that comes forward often is our shadow..that too when the light is behind us.. Its easy to see how light and darkness walk together..but don’t see each other..Open your eyes..Its light..close them tight..its darker than anything can be..
Well then how can one define darkness?? Darkness is the absence of light?? Well that’s not fair..The definition of I cannot be “I am the one whoz not You” !! Then what is the absolute and precise definition of darkness? Lets define..Darkness is the twin of Light with some basic genetic differences..oh! not again!!! Then can't we define darkness without speaking of light?? Unfair again! Light has so many definitions … particle, wave, fields and all..but darkness?? There is no amount or wavelength of darkness..although it lurks on without even a proper definition.. Yet ..Darkness I find it firmer and stronger or even stranger than light..It has only one color..and a unique characteristic and that is “nothingness” Or is there something?! Why isn’t it that everywhere there’s light..then surely we can say darkness has a purpose which we may still don’t know! 
Here’s a question..light “clears” darkness..but can darkness wipe out light??
Another question..does light accompany darkness?? Or darkness always follows light?? OR is darkness “created” by light???
Oh no! Another Question..Light is an em field..is darkness a field? Or is it truly quantized?
Darkness! Darkness! Lead us to Light!


  1. Nice thoughts on darkness!! Do check out my blog, i talk about darkness almost all the time http://arjunnechiyil.blogspot.com/

  2. Nice post. Darkness to light.

    We can follow each other if you like. :)

  3. Lovely psot.. n abt ur question.. I blv der are always two sides of a coin.. darkness follows light.. bt light cant be der fr always so it has to follow darkness.. :)

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  5. nice post...reading abt light n darkness on swami vivekanandas bday is amazing!!he has some great thoughts on the light n darkness...do check out his sayings for more light errr darkness on the topic...
    ty so much for visiting me...i really appreciate it..
